Thursday, July 15, 2010

who are you to judge?

Again, the topic is not that far with the previous post. It's about who are you to judge others. Today, I got few similar broadcast messages that said about things that we should not do as believers. They said we spend more time reading useless magazine than reading the bible or we spend more money to buy things than giving money to church. Overall, it is so offense, made me really insecure, not because I felt bad that I did most of it, but how if the message is read by others?

It reminded me about something in my life. About someone that I loved so much changed so bad because of it. What is the cause? It's because there are believers out there who offense Him, saying that he should repent and so on. I mean, who has the right to judge others. How can you make other believe if you offense them, feels like they are the one who knows the best and do all the right things, but the fact is nonsense!

Sorry for being to the point, but this is what I'm longing for, and seeing people have been doing that really made me really sad. As a believer, we know what we have to do, to love, to care, to give the RIGHT example, the truth. And that's why also people like to comparing us, creating bad image and bitterness everywhere.

I, too, don't want to judge you guys, but I have to start from myself not to judge people, not considering myself as the person who knows it all. Humbled.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

don't judge book by its cover?

Recently I studied Joshua and I think this is the second time I read the same chapter. In Joshua 2 we see that Rahab lied about the spies were hiding in her place. This time I was so curious about why she lied, I searched a lot of things on the internet, and finally I found it, but that's not the point.

When you see the whole story, it's not about Rahab's lie, it's about the spies! It's about how God is so good to provide Rahab who can give them place to hide, I can't wonder if they find another person who wouldn't sacrifice themselves.

People tend to do the same thing to anything. Imagine a beautiful girl, from here we can see her as a perfect image, and then when she speaks, something bad happen, you smell something from other world. And then you start talking with your friend about her mouth and stuff, instead of talking about her beauty and so on.

That's what I just felt last night, actually it was a simple thing, when someone countered my argument about joyful. Actually I really want to counter back, but there's something inside of me that told me not to. I learn how to see other's perspective from the positive side and when it's already so crucial, it's not ethic to tell it in front of public.

Sometimes people think they're the best, they know all things, but at the point when they think they know all, actually they know nothing. But still, it's not my right to judge anybody when you don't know anything about other people's mind.

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his

sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes

of him with whom we have to do. (Hebrew 4:13)

People also tend to hide their weakness afraid of disapproval from others. But one thing is no one's perfect. We can see people only from their outer layer, and only God can judge all of us. Because God doesn't see our appearance, He sees our heart. =]

Saturday, July 10, 2010

love love love love why love?

It's 8 days before I step into 22 and one thing that have been asked lately is about date
For real, I've never have a date in my life, in this almost 22 years! =]
but... beside that, I felt so grateful for not having any date until now
I don't need to experience bad date because of me being unprepared
so, still I feel grateful for everything

It's been almost 22 years I heard dozens of love stories, from my male and female friends.
weeks before they become girl/boyfriend, the world seems so beautiful, one thing that they only care of is their special one.
every weakness and bad influence can be exception, his/her minds stucked in the ~lala world

that's when the story hasn't even begun
when they have committed, they move to the theme park, having fun and doesn't care about their surrounding, because they don't want to waste their money they have paid for the theme park.
not long after that, they decided to go out from the theme park, but still, they can talk about the enjoyment the felt before
but nothing last forever, they have nothing left to talk about
what make it worse, they don't want to go to the theme park again because they think it's boring
and so on and so on..... they have problem for being together without any excitement
and you know what happen next

and more and more stories about premature love and how it ended

I don't want to talk about love, how you should start and undergo it, you can see it in a book, a lot of it.
I have many things that came up to my minds lately about this love thing

"When most of your attentions focused on someone you attracted to means
you are not ready to love, because when you're ready, your focus is all about God, not about human"

Genesis 2:18-23
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground
all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its
So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.
So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and
he brought her to the man.
The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man."

Adam never ask for Eve when God gave to him. God knows that Adam NEED a mate for him to be paired, and again when we focus in ourself, we won't get the best in the most right time. We may get one, but is it the best for us? Then what happen if it's not? You have seen the story up there. I can't say that if you have already got boy/girlfriend, you should break with them, because it's not from God. God has plan for everything, so don't worry about it, start focusing on Him, what He wants to do in your relationship. And for you who haven't got any mate, don't worry, God has saved one for you and that's the best for you!

When you focus on Him, you'll know what you have to do as a person and what you need in your partner. For gentlemen, hang on! For ladies, be patient! =]