yeah, last month after becoming a tour leader for newcomer
need to go somewhere they have never been before, sheet by sheet of my money spent on something I've been experienced before
Somehow, when I meet Him, I felt something different
I tried so many time to save some money on my wallet and I failed
I always ended up spending a lot
I spoke to God, how should I do, even my tuition money has been used for covering all of it
and He only said this
Dear my loyal son, you don't need to worry what is it in the world, what should you eat and what should you wear, because you can never imagine what I have in the universe
You have been good with me and let me share to you what I have to provide all you need
days by days I've waited, countless calculation I've done to see how much I got left
didn't give up to believe what He said to me before
and suddenly my mother sent me message that said I've transferred this amount of money from Chinese new year
well, it's a lot for me, saved my finance situation a lot here
but, His work didn't stop there....
the next day my mom sent me another message saying that she transferred more money from again... the Chinese new year
if we sum up all of it, it could be the most money I got from Chinese new year
even though I doubt it at first because I'm here in China without my presence in Indonesia
and that's it.... Oh, I forgot something
the next day my father called and said he would send me more money to pay the tuition
let's recall
I said before that I have used my tuition money to cover my deficiency here
and then he'll send me more for it
well I remember something from the Words
Isaiah 48:17-18
Thus says the Lord,
Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
"I am the Lord your God,
who teacher you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go.
Oh that you had paid attention to my commandments!
Then your peace would have been like a river,
and your righteousness like the waves of the sea
God has given you promises but there are some tasks that you have to do, to be loyal and humble to Him, then everything will be provided well from Him, because He knows what's best for you! yes, each of you!