PRIDE is self-centered
PRIDE is arrogance
PRIDE is vanity
PRIDE is The mother of all sins

I hate pride actually, but it's in me
So, can I hate myself because of it?
I remembered telling some of my friends about how self-centered I am, but I can't actually define it. How self-centered I am, but today's sermon defined it for me. It's PRIDE.
It's not about me being proud of my country, my school, but I'm proud of myself. Sometimes people asked, what's the problem of being proud? It's not bad for being proud of yourself, but we exaggerate it. Like somehow it's because of us we gain all the things that we got and we have.
Well, pride is actually the feeling inside of us that thinks that we are the best, never want to accept other to be better than us. It's hard sometimes to be humble, to accept other to be looked better than us, but that's what God wants in our life, we are weak, we are nothing, we are less, so that He can be more. All the things that we have today, it's all because his humility so what can we proud of now?
Now look at yourself, see anything that you have till today and see how God had given you such things so that you will be humble more and more =]
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