It's been a week and more that I played so many online games here in China
Well, some of you may know that some of international website are prohibited here, but if it's about something fun, something great, and something ADDICTIVE, I'd probably love to search any information that I can get
and then I played those GREAT games then finally last night I got such a dissapointment, it is such a ridiculous thing to say, but since 10 years of playing online games (part time), it's always ended not in a good way
but last night I had God who become my pillars
He wasn't only reminding me to think clearly, but He also giving me a lesson, a new one
I stucked in an emotion issue and he reminded me in a very soothing way
well, online game is only one of the so many issues around, and now let see how INTERNET can really affect somebody
hmmmm..... from where should I start with?
Have you ever watch any movie from the internet? with the screen and the time shown at below of the screen
It shows the duration or the download process
Ever realize that time goes so fast when you didn't see the time given?
Yeah, that is what happened when you played online games
there is no time shown, not even the mini clock on your taskbar
Your time seems to be very short, in the end you realized that you has wasted your days, your weeks, even your months of your life!

Some of the online games provided with a lot of competitions and cooperations
and similar to the real life
we can be happy together, doing the cute or cool game together but there are also clash between the players
well, the more you play, the more you can be in the position where you can get mad because one and more thing
some of them may mention some bad words
and the more you be in that position, the more you are influenced with it
and finally you didn't realize that you has changed even in the real life
how you react towards others and how you talked with each other
because community in online game mostly are not a good one to follow
everyone from many backgrounds exist in the online world
parents may control who'd you interact in the real world but nobody can control who you'd be with in the cyber world
so be careful =D
proverbs 13:20
"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companions of fools will suffer harm"
the companions of fool here are men who are immature, who doesn't even know what's good or bad for themselves, so everything that they get, they'll keep it in their mind and let it unite with them; shortly "no filter"
well, I love download, download anything!!!!
who doesn't love if you can get anything freely?
this time I don't want to emphasize about the download
but one side effect that internet gave us: "UNGRATEFUL"
*suddenly I thought that I have discussed this some time ago, but whatever
wonder thousands year ago, where there are no fire, no electricity, no computer, no *apple nor *blackberry
people have to do anything by their own, no simplicity
and people may easily be greateful for simple things such as those mentioned
and to make it worst, internet provide you free musics, free movies, free games, free books, and lot more free things
and the more you access into it, the more effect that you will get, because everything's so easy and free
ask yourself: have you been so grateful because you can download a music album from the internet?
compare to: have you been so grateful because finally you can collect your money and buy the music CD in store?
Luke 21:3-4
"Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed than all of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."
We can compare it with the poor widow's offering. She gave most of her money as an offering for God eventhough she was in lowly life
Now we have everything, we have internet, free stuffs, and so on, the question is: what have you given back?
There are so many things that I don't discuss this time, social website, pornography, and many else
It comes back to you, whether you use this internet to satisfy your need or to use it to maximize and glorify God more and more
the choices are in your hands
so, what else in your tabs and windows? =D