They do so many things to make it happen
They go to the gym to sculpt their body
they go to classes to increase their skills
they even do plastic surgery, botox, anything, you name it, just to cover the flaw/imperfection on their face
Yes, imperfection
one thing that I see in every people around me
doesn't care how handsome or beautiful they are
how smart they are, how rich they are, they all looked imperfect
and so I
that's what we are created with and to accept the way it is
There are a lot of times that I compared myself with someone else, thinking that they are a lot MORE than me
but I realized that the point where you pity yourself, there's a gap in you and HIM
as we know, He is the one who made us perfect (beautiful) in many ways
yeah, from HIS eyes, not from people's eyes
because often we automatically got the magnifier glasses in front of our eyes, see every flaws from others
believe it or not, but the way we look to other related to humbleness
often we don't want to admit that someone can be better than us
we have the pride to say," He must be this; it because of this and because of that," than admitting that everybody has their strength
and that is our job also to be brake to ourself, stop comparing things if it's not for the better way
matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, beptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
how can we accomplish that if we picky and lot of times blinded by emotion
how can we accomplish that if we don't love people as the lost one and need to be rescued
how can we accomplish that if we don't want to humble ourselves, to be awkward and most of all to love God
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