It has been almost half a year since the last time I blogged and now I work at a multilevel marketing, time goes on, doesn't it?
I am back to lovely town, Jakarta
Met my parents and dear friends
Reconnected with the church here
met new brothers and sisters
Monday, yes today is Monday
I started the day, drove my parents to their friend's house as they went to Thailand today
It is quiet at home today and suddenly I missed TV sound and my dad's playing nintendo DS after a tiring day
I'm being such a melancholist today
continuing the day
I felt so sick today, like there are babies inside my stomach kicking out
Well, tensions happened today
Intimidation, prejudice, demeaning words
All eyes looked down on me, everywhere....
My other side said that the world hate me today
Just get out, refrain and free yourself
There were things coming out from my head
What I love about my God is His faithfulness to all His children
He knows that when I'm alone, it's easy for me to compromise
I went to the gym today, joined body combat class and trying to let loose the emotion
Whom should I punch or strike?
The one whom should I hit is myself
To remind that there is nothing that can soothe me, except Him
Sometimes I love the moment when I am alone
I don't have to think about anything, God enters my mind easily
He just said simple things about life
World will never be your friend, but how you respond that matters
How you would nod to people who yell at you
How you smile to those denigrating eyes
How you say I love you when they say I hate you
Everything is beautiful if you could see it from His eyes
So am I ready for tomorrow?
No, but God said YES Denny!
I won't be there physically, just spend little space for me in your heart and I will bless your day
They said I am being too nice to be a working people
but wouldn't it be good if everybody fell the same way?
I am not going to change
Back to my life verse
Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed bythe renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect

smile even the world give you a dam*
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