Have you ever wait for a news, whether it is your exam result or response from you crush?
Well, you basically you never know for sure what is the waiting for you, right?
As this week I read The book of Jonah I found an interesting point, NEWS. It is not what you watch everyday on TV during your dinner together with your family, no, it is something more enermous than that.
In Hebrew, Jonah means dove. What is it in your mind when you heard that kind of bird? Sure it is, NEWS. People in the past used it as a sole communication media to send message or news to people in distant. Do you remember that God told him to go to Nineveh to send the good news from God. But what did he do back then? He ran away, He kept the message for himself rather than share it with people.
And you know what, we have the good news also and God not randomly chose people
Jonah 1:1
The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: " Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me. "
Do you think God accidentally chose Jonah and let him go just like that? No! He is being faithful for him and He knows that he is capable for accomplishing that.
In world, we oftenly had the opportunity to give good news for people. We are so excited because we know that the people who we are about to inform is about to get the extreme happiness.
And now, God entrusting us with the GREATEST NEWS ever in this world, the salvation! and where are we right now? Did we hide it under our bed or did you give it to your friend because you thought that you were not good enough? He has chosen you because He believed in you and He himself is in you to make sure you are ready to bear all things.
" Therefore Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father and The Son, and The Holy Spirit"
So, go and spread the good news, but be careful.... The whale are watching!
with Love,
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