Thursday, November 18, 2010

I lose so that I can win

There are surely so many types of people in this world
Even I'm still learning to know more about it
Simply there are 4 types of characteristic, which are
likes to order food while everybody is complaining about their stomach

likes to eat and serve alone

tend to be sad after finished eating in an expensive all-you-can-eat restaurant

love his own world, even in a restaurant --''

Well, I'm not talking about those characteristic this time (*wasting time posting pictures)
I'm kind of talking about humility
yes, what's the relationship then?
Like what I have mentioned before, there are so many types of people
and the kind of people that I recently met are those who are debatable or arguable
well, it's good sometimes to meet them
we can get more informations and more knowledges about almost anything
but sometimes, we can compare them to wikipedia, yes it is


Because no matter how false the information, the lack of citation and so many other things
they are the sole source for most people who don't want to search for more reliable information
imagine people like that.....

You have tried your best to convince him that you know and even you have experienced the things that you explained
but still, he doesn't want to know
eventhough he has the wrong information
he doesn't care and stand still on his perception

I used to join debate competition in my high school years
in the competition, whether we are pro or contra
there is one rule that prohibit us to relate the argument that we give to religion

"every concept of the world has flaw, but His words are solid, like His presence"

So, how do we handle these guys?
there is only one word, HUMILITY
When there's still will inside of you that says," I cannot lose to a like of him "
and trying to win the argue, you're hiding the proud inside of you
because when you humble yourself, you can lose and sometimes you can win
but when you lost, you didn't really lose
you win..... against you pride

2 philippians 2:3
Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility counts other better than yourselves

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the link

It's been 2 and a half months since I left and there are a lot of things in my mind lately, I.....

miss the moments when we study together

miss the moments when we can laugh together

miss the moments when we can pray together

miss the new year's eve together with you guys

miss the moments when we can all-out together for God as a church

miss the moment when I was about to be born again

miss the moments when we can get tired and get fun together

miss the moments when we share things....

I love you all guys, we may afar as flesh but we're connected as mind, as prayers of GOD
I might not know about you guys lately
I cannot be there to support you, cannot laugh together as you succeed
I pray that as soon as we meet again
I can say
Thanks God for you, yes YOU!
=Denny Saputra=

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

a simple statement

Today is the day when the temperature is getting lower

Today is the day when I first saw police in the dorm

Today is the day when all his belongings robbed

Today is the day when he smiled and said:
"eventhough I lost almost everything but I feel grateful that I can see you all today"

nothing is free for me

Like usual, yesterday I went back from gym through the long way behind the campus
and suddenly there were this couple in their middle age
They called me and the husband talked so fast *yeah in mandarin of course
and I heard "huadu" and "wo men yao hui jia"
huadu: a place near guangzhou, approx. 2 hours driving; wo men yao hui jia: we want to go home
Well surely I told them the way to the train station
but they didn't care about that
finally they said "qian" and suddenly there's yelling "BAH!" in my mind
I said I was student and I have limited money to give
and then they said 4 kuai for both of us *total 8 kuai
1 kuai: 1350 Rupiah or 0.7 USD
I opened my wallet and gave my 10 kuai to them
then we went in separate ways

Well, the story ended there
yes, the story ended there but not for me
there is nothing free for anyone of you who took my money away
They have to give me something, but what?
a chance for me to pray for them

When I saw them, they surely were ran out of money
well, I didn't know why
They looked so tired and didn't know what to do but begging for other's money
well, my money maybe would get them back to their house, but how about their life?
I don't know what problem that they got, I only could pray after I walked away
a simple prayer to accompany them

well, I've forgot about this since I was here in China
a good friend of mine once told me about her praying habit
wherever she is, wherever she saw something that she could pray for, she prays
a great God's prayer she is

another great man of God from my previous university also told me about how he lives with God everytime
He said that imagine there's God beside you, when you walked through the way, when you drive your car, when you eat, when you are alone, anytime
There is no spare time for him, He talked with God when he was alone, imagine He is sitting right beside you
that's what I call relationship

Those two lifestyles, I called chained relationship with God
the more you do it, the stronger it will be
When you're alone and you thought that you couldn't stand your problem or the evil's temptation, just imagine He is standing next to you
keep telling you to stay strong because HE'S HERE

Psalm 23 : 4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and staff, they comfort me

When you're in a problem
on your way back, you keep grumbling and mumbling
when you're in a grief
you keep crying and pitying yourself
when you're in a happy occasion
you keep laughing and loving each other
We tend to forget God beside us

share your problem with Him, then He will help you get through it
He knows your grief, so hug him and He'll give you joy
share your happy moments with Him, then He will give you even more happiness

keep praying for your surrounding
keep your relationship with him to be stronger
be a God's soldier

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I miss you

I miss you, my blog
actually I started blogging from 2006 and I stopped my previous blog because I wanted to start this one
My last blog was very colorful but less values inside
I just viewed it and I saw the Denny that used to be so selfish, so proud, and so unorganized
and most of it is how God really has processed me till the day I live right now

Now, I'm thinking about mixing these two blog concepts into one blog
hmmm.... I think that'd be better

Actually this is a random posts, a spam, but suddenly I was reminded with one of my favorite words of all time, PROCESS

Everything in this world needs process
the catterpillars waits to become butterfly and kids have to be educated till they got matured
and so on
sometimes we equalize process with time
well, yeah like baking process
people sometimes say, "wait till the baking process has done"
but, what has happened in the oven during the baking process, not many people knows about it
that's what we, as food scientists, called process

I watched opening of 16thASIAN GAMES here in Guangzhou and I saw how great this nation is (thanks for today's sermon for approving it)
how thousand of years have they passed to meet these days
how the cookie dough have harden and already too hard to be softened
how the regulations have been greatly made for good

same as human
it's easy for a kid to be filled with so many things
till they get more mature to think about what's good and what's bad
and how the influence had changed his paradigm

I've been learning to be a person with a greater consistency
to spread my root deeper in the God's word
so that I hopefully can change other people
it's like martial artists, when they don't have the good posture, they will be easily attacked by their opponent
and we need the same posture to hit the opponent the most
and finally we can hit so many cookies in one time LOL

process is also talking about praying
there is rarely thing to see an instant reply from a prayer
it needs process
when we're praying for someone, it will be a process for them and process for us too

a process for them when we pray and God hears, they will meet a situation where they are about to meet God and change
a process for us when we don't see any result and tend to give up

"Don't let the world process you with its worldly view, but wait patiently for HIS process, because you never know when or where will it be, just be loyal and faithful"

process is talking about loyalty, faithfulness, endurance and patience
loyalty and faithfulness talking about our relationship with HIM
endurance talking about how long we can hang on to His words
and patience is like waiting the banana till it's fully ripe

well, I think I can elaborate this post more
but I think I can safe it for next time but for the mean time, let's think about our process, how long will it take for us to be fully-baked?

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing, and perfect will

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


There are billions of people all around the world
and there's no way we can live by our own
there is something that we call interraction
we work, we make business, we buy and sell things, there is people factor inside
beside that, there is also influence
the way we act, the way we eat, the way we talk
our parents are our first influence and they taught us those things
our first COMMUNITY

We grow up and we meet friends
we interract with them, we socialize and we influence each other
the question is: who are your friends?

I had different friends since high school and I have been experiencing different levels of maturity and depend on the point of view: the POV of the world or from HIS POV
I have tasted what the world is like and how they put their values in my life and I had been living in those life for sometimes till I found the COMMUNITY
it's hard to be re-built with new values. It needs time, process, and humbleness


There are two concepts of influence basically: influencing other or to be influenced

I remember when I was in my high school years, I was so easy to be influenced. I have no base to stand on. Whatever my friend said was very easy for me to put it in my brain pocket
and it took sometime to replace it with the true values

There are so many worldy influences out there, all of them have flaws and they basically want to be the best
and when people is staying in the "world", they tend to be nomadic and be confused between those things
That's why nowadays we could see so many people broke and down, they don't have anything to hold on

in my university life, I met someone that has the true value, the unshakeable one, JESUS
people has their values, they're not perfect like how they were created
but in Him, we stand firm
in Him, there are only one concept: to influence other
because His values is flawless
when we are influenced by Him, we tend to influence other
and that's how the great commission is happening

people tend to influence people when they truly believe what have influenced them

When we live with worldly people, there's no way that we can be influenced, but we influence them
there is no dark that cannot be enlight with even smallest light
but one thing is when we are alone as a light, anything can happen
and we need gas, fire, or battery to keep us alive

ecclesiastes 4 : 9 - 10
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone and has not another to lift him up!

When we don't have any community around, there are only one way to achieve that
PRAY so that we can influence people around us and more communities will be bear from them; multiplication

"we don't find a community fit for us, but we make the true community, because there are us and GOD"

Friday, November 5, 2010

A story of a believer (1)

I was walking alone today to the gym and like usual I got this idea out of nowhere
to make short conversations than making long explanation.
well, that doesn't mean I hate explaining, but this is a fresh idea I think.
shortly to the story:

A: Hey B, how can you be so rich that fast? I really want to be like you, can you tell me how?

B: hmmm.... so easy, I never so worry about my money, I have been giving some of my money to the church, to the poor, to the people in need, whoever they are.

A: You said you gave your money to other, you suppose to lose some of your money, but how can you get more?

B: Have you ever heard about giving better than receiving?

A: HUH??! Since when giving is better than receiving, I love receiving present, love, or money. I don't really like giving.

B: That's the point. When you receive something from other, what do you think about their feeling? happy? sad? dissapointed?

A: hmmmm.... good question, I think they felt like the way I felt I think...... Felt something lost from them.

B: Yes, some of them could be thinking like that, but the real meaning of giving is different.
When you give, you think about what they need, not what you need. People oftenly expect something back from the people they give. They love so that they will be loved, they give money so that someday they can get something from them. We give so that many people see that we give.

A: That's true, but still, how can you be so rich after giving? Are you a debt collector or something?

B: Let's see

Exodus 23 : 25
"You shall serve the Lord you God, and I will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you"

When you give, means you do God's work in other's life, and at that time, God will do your work. He will bless you more and He'll give you back, multiplied!

A: Oh, I see. Okay, this week I will go to the church with you. I want to give some of my money.

B: Okay, glad to hear that.

It's been a month since A joined B to the church

A: B, you lied! Why haven't I got rich like you? And what make it worst, I am getting poorer!

B: Check your heart, how do you pray?

A: I prayed so that I can be rich like you.

B: What?! Let me tell you this. When you give, you're not suppose to expect some giving back and let the money be used for those who need.

A: I see, okay then, from now on, I'll give you money.

B: Huh? for what?

A: I'll give you money so that every week you can give more, then you can get more. Next time I'll ask my money with the share of course.

B: --''