There are billions of people all around the world
and there's no way we can live by our own
there is something that we call interraction
we work, we make business, we buy and sell things, there is people factor inside
beside that, there is also influence
the way we act, the way we eat, the way we talk
our parents are our first influence and they taught us those things
our first COMMUNITY
We grow up and we meet friends
we interract with them, we socialize and we influence each other
the question is: who are your friends?
I had different friends since high school and I have been experiencing different levels of maturity and depend on the point of view: the POV of the world or from HIS POV
I have tasted what the world is like and how they put their values in my life and I had been living in those life for sometimes till I found the COMMUNITY
it's hard to be re-built with new values. It needs time, process, and humbleness
There are two concepts of influence basically: influencing other or to be influenced
I remember when I was in my high school years, I was so easy to be influenced. I have no base to stand on. Whatever my friend said was very easy for me to put it in my brain pocket
and it took sometime to replace it with the true values
There are so many worldy influences out there, all of them have flaws and they basically want to be the best
and when people is staying in the "world", they tend to be nomadic and be confused between those things
That's why nowadays we could see so many people broke and down, they don't have anything to hold on
in my university life, I met someone that has the true value, the unshakeable one, JESUS
people has their values, they're not perfect like how they were created
but in Him, we stand firm
in Him, there are only one concept: to influence other
because His values is flawless
when we are influenced by Him, we tend to influence other
and that's how the great commission is happening
people tend to influence people when they truly believe what have influenced them
When we live with worldly people, there's no way that we can be influenced, but we influence them
there is no dark that cannot be enlight with even smallest light
but one thing is when we are alone as a light, anything can happen
and we need gas, fire, or battery to keep us alive
ecclesiastes 4 : 9 - 10
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone and has not another to lift him up!
When we don't have any community around, there are only one way to achieve that
PRAY so that we can influence people around us and more communities will be bear from them; multiplication

"we don't find a community fit for us, but we make the true community, because there are us and GOD"
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