I miss you, my blog
actually I started blogging from 2006 and I stopped my previous blog because I wanted to start this one
My last blog was very colorful but less values inside

I just viewed it and I saw the Denny that used to be so selfish, so proud, and so unorganized
and most of it is how God really has processed me till the day I live right now
Now, I'm thinking about mixing these two blog concepts into one blog
hmmm.... I think that'd be better
Actually this is a random posts, a spam, but suddenly I was reminded with one of my favorite words of all time, PROCESS
Everything in this world needs process
the catterpillars waits to become butterfly and kids have to be educated till they got matured
and so on
sometimes we equalize process with time
well, yeah like baking process
people sometimes say, "wait till the baking process has done"
but, what has happened in the oven during the baking process, not many people knows about it
that's what we, as food scientists, called process

I watched opening of 16thASIAN GAMES here in Guangzhou and I saw how great this nation is (thanks for today's sermon for approving it)
how thousand of years have they passed to meet these days
how the cookie dough have harden and already too hard to be softened
how the regulations have been greatly made for good

same as human
it's easy for a kid to be filled with so many things
till they get more mature to think about what's good and what's bad
and how the influence had changed his paradigm

I've been learning to be a person with a greater consistency
to spread my root deeper in the God's word
so that I hopefully can change other people
it's like martial artists, when they don't have the good posture, they will be easily attacked by their opponent
and we need the same posture to hit the opponent the most
and finally we can hit so many cookies in one time LOL
process is also talking about praying
there is rarely thing to see an instant reply from a prayer
it needs process
when we're praying for someone, it will be a process for them and process for us too

a process for them when we pray and God hears, they will meet a situation where they are about to meet God and change
a process for us when we don't see any result and tend to give up
"Don't let the world process you with its worldly view, but wait patiently for HIS process, because you never know when or where will it be, just be loyal and faithful"
process is talking about loyalty, faithfulness, endurance and patience
loyalty and faithfulness talking about our relationship with HIM
endurance talking about how long we can hang on to His words
and patience is like waiting the banana till it's fully ripe

well, I think I can elaborate this post more
but I think I can safe it for next time but for the mean time, let's think about our process, how long will it take for us to be fully-baked?

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing, and perfect will
wow denny.. you are very cute when you were small.. haha..
thanks lia! little me says thank you very much LOL
woahhh like this post so much dehh ko. I really really love the first picture. it was soooo cute. are you sure it was you? haha :P
Nice post :)
Definitely, an unstoppable learner is in you..
GBU my bro :D
@sastika: yes, I was so cute when I was little, and now...... TT
@brother reza: thanks, you're the one who told me to do this, aren't you? GBU too =D
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