Like usual, yesterday I went back from gym through the long way behind the campus
and suddenly there were this couple in their middle age
They called me and the husband talked so fast *yeah in mandarin of course
and I heard "huadu" and "wo men yao hui jia"
huadu: a place near guangzhou, approx. 2 hours driving; wo men yao hui jia: we want to go home
Well surely I told them the way to the train station
but they didn't care about that
finally they said "qian" and suddenly there's yelling "BAH!" in my mind
I said I was student and I have limited money to give
and then they said 4 kuai for both of us *total 8 kuai
1 kuai: 1350 Rupiah or 0.7 USD
I opened my wallet and gave my 10 kuai to them
then we went in separate ways
Well, the story ended there
yes, the story ended there but not for me
there is nothing free for anyone of you who took my money away
They have to give me something, but what?
a chance for me to pray for them
When I saw them, they surely were ran out of money
well, I didn't know why
They looked so tired and didn't know what to do but begging for other's money
well, my money maybe would get them back to their house, but how about their life?
I don't know what problem that they got, I only could pray after I walked away
a simple prayer to accompany them
well, I've forgot about this since I was here in China
a good friend of mine once told me about her praying habit
wherever she is, wherever she saw something that she could pray for, she prays
a great God's prayer she is
another great man of God from my previous university also told me about how he lives with God everytime
He said that imagine there's God beside you, when you walked through the way, when you drive your car, when you eat, when you are alone, anytime
There is no spare time for him, He talked with God when he was alone, imagine He is sitting right beside you
that's what I call relationship
Those two lifestyles, I called chained relationship with God
the more you do it, the stronger it will be
When you're alone and you thought that you couldn't stand your problem or the evil's temptation, just imagine He is standing next to you
keep telling you to stay strong because HE'S HERE

Psalm 23 : 4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and staff, they comfort me
When you're in a problem
on your way back, you keep grumbling and mumbling
when you're in a grief
you keep crying and pitying yourself
when you're in a happy occasion
you keep laughing and loving each other
We tend to forget God beside us
share your problem with Him, then He will help you get through it
He knows your grief, so hug him and He'll give you joy
share your happy moments with Him, then He will give you even more happiness
keep praying for your surrounding
keep your relationship with him to be stronger
be a God's soldier

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