What a great morning, the sky is greyish colour and the wind is dry because we're about to experience the winter.I started the day with a simple prayer and long time at bathroom cleaning my throat
I turned on my computer and check my fb, tw, email then my music player and doing a rare thing for me in the morning, worshipping Him.
there is something that God want to speak to me this day, it is about technology
well, to write this blog we need technology
What's inside? battery technology, software technology, lighting technology, what else?
in fact, there's nothing that can seperate us with technology in the world context nowadays
maybe I should seperate this topic into some points XD
1. Imagine black out

There is no light, no air conditioner, no TV, no charging for your handphone, blackberry, iphone, laptop, you name it
We can't run our washing machine, even to iron clothes
We can't cook, ordering from one restaurant is another option for us
when one of the thing that I mentioned above lost its power, we tend to complain
why this and why that?
That's one indication that unconsciously we are bounded by it
but just make a simple statement in our hearts
with or without the electricity, God will provide us anything that we needed
Genesis 1 : 1-3
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said," Let there be light," and there was light.
It is not human who started the light (electricity). It is God who started it and without Him provided for us, there is no way we can get this until today
2. It's all about convenient
Who in this world thinks that technology can make us more inconvenient?
even the simplest think like toaster and hair dryer can make our life simpler than it should be
And then what's the problem?
there's no problem actually but....
imagine if we live in the past times, when there is not even a candle exist in the world
and by the time we transported back here in the present time, there are a lot of things that we can be grateful for
thanks for the transportation, thanks for the telephone, thanks for the water heater
because sometimes I could see people be ungrateful their blackberry service was in service
and keep cursing the provider for not being professional
That's what the world has brought us into
an athmosphere where we would hardly to be grateful
1 Thessalonians 5 : 18
Give thanks in all circumstances; For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you
3. the evil ride

blackberry, iphone, android, and so on you name it
yes, it is about media and telecommunication
I can compare it with mosquito electric net, if you use it properly, it can be used to kill as many mosquitos that disturb you, but if you use it in incautious way, you can shock yourself
extremely, you can find both salvation and death in the internet
Lately I read so many articles about the occultism nowadays in the world
how they use technology and media in many ways
from sport shows to music videos
how they frankly show that they want to brain-wash the youths nowadays
the top sportmen and the brightest actors and singers are the 'players' with the same aim
to be idol, so that they can easily influence people
drag us away from what we believe
Telecommunication can also be stumbling rocks for our lives
Yes, it easier to call our friend, to keep in touch with them, to socialize
but..... the mosquito net theory still applied here
yes, it can make our live easier, so convenient till us forget that there are 24 hours a day, there are 7 days a week and so on
It costs our time with Him, because we have so many friends on MSN or YM to talk with every second of the day
make us tend to rely on human more than Him
the slogan is
" getting closer with someone far and getting farther with someone near "
eventhough we have 24/7 service problem answering phone
Jeremiah 33 : 3
Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know
but we prefer typing status on your social media so that people can pity for you
how we are fooled that we rely the world more than Him who knows what the best for you
Technology is made for us to use it wisely not to waste it
Don't make the creator sad that He had created those things
and most of all, don't make God sad because He let human made those things
Be wise people =D