Sunday, October 24, 2010

I N T E R to the net

It's been a week and more that I played so many online games here in China
Well, some of you may know that some of international website are prohibited here, but if it's about something fun, something great, and something ADDICTIVE, I'd probably love to search any information that I can get
and then I played those GREAT games then finally last night I got such a dissapointment, it is such a ridiculous thing to say, but since 10 years of playing online games (part time), it's always ended not in a good way

but last night I had God who become my pillars
He wasn't only reminding me to think clearly, but He also giving me a lesson, a new one
I stucked in an emotion issue and he reminded me in a very soothing way
well, online game is only one of the so many issues around, and now let see how INTERNET can really affect somebody


hmmmm..... from where should I start with?
Have you ever watch any movie from the internet? with the screen and the time shown at below of the screen
It shows the duration or the download process
Ever realize that time goes so fast when you didn't see the time given?
Yeah, that is what happened when you played online games
there is no time shown, not even the mini clock on your taskbar
Your time seems to be very short, in the end you realized that you has wasted your days, your weeks, even your months of your life!

Some of the online games provided with a lot of competitions and cooperations
and similar to the real life
we can be happy together, doing the cute or cool game together but there are also clash between the players
well, the more you play, the more you can be in the position where you can get mad because one and more thing
some of them may mention some bad words
and the more you be in that position, the more you are influenced with it
and finally you didn't realize that you has changed even in the real life
how you react towards others and how you talked with each other
because community in online game mostly are not a good one to follow
everyone from many backgrounds exist in the online world
parents may control who'd you interact in the real world but nobody can control who you'd be with in the cyber world
so be careful =D

proverbs 13:20
"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companions of fools will suffer harm"

the companions of fool here are men who are immature, who doesn't even know what's good or bad for themselves, so everything that they get, they'll keep it in their mind and let it unite with them; shortly "no filter"


well, I love download, download anything!!!!
who doesn't love if you can get anything freely?
this time I don't want to emphasize about the download
but one side effect that internet gave us: "UNGRATEFUL"

*suddenly I thought that I have discussed this some time ago, but whatever

wonder thousands year ago, where there are no fire, no electricity, no computer, no *apple nor *blackberry
people have to do anything by their own, no simplicity
and people may easily be greateful for simple things such as those mentioned
and to make it worst, internet provide you free musics, free movies, free games, free books, and lot more free things
and the more you access into it, the more effect that you will get, because everything's so easy and free
ask yourself: have you been so grateful because you can download a music album from the internet?
compare to: have you been so grateful because finally you can collect your money and buy the music CD in store?

Luke 21:3-4
"Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed than all of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on."

We can compare it with the poor widow's offering. She gave most of her money as an offering for God eventhough she was in lowly life
Now we have everything, we have internet, free stuffs, and so on, the question is: what have you given back?

There are so many things that I don't discuss this time, social website, pornography, and many else
It comes back to you, whether you use this internet to satisfy your need or to use it to maximize and glorify God more and more
the choices are in your hands
so, what else in your tabs and windows? =D

Monday, October 18, 2010

The best medicine

It's been a week since I got this sick
Now I know the feeling of being ill in foreign country
bringing back memory of home where I could get all the treatments and love from my family
Well, last time I went to two doctors, why?
The first doctor didn't even check my body
I said I had coughed a lot then he gave me this prescription
I didn't really know what is written in the box so I asked one of my 老师 (teacher) and he said that all the medicines that he gave were all for allergic (what?!)
and I ended coughing all the time during the class that day
I went to another doctor that day and I brought one of my more chinese-fluent friend to help
and finally I got all the fever and cough medicine that I needed

yeah, finally I could get better in the next few days
can't wait for that
yeah, finally I could get better and better
but still, my cough still in acute condition
I have drunk one big bottle of cough medicine and I stucked in this acute condition
You know all my posts will always be happy ending, but yeah almost

Before I conclude that, let me tell a few things
1. Disease and illness are coming from our disobedience towards Him
let me start with this verse

1 corinthians 3:16
Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you?

flashback to few weeks before you got that sickness
what have you done with your body?
have you eaten properly? what have you eaten?
how many hours you sleep everyday?
do you do sport or do you sit in front of the computer all day?

and now.... you get that sickness and telling that God gave the sickness
You said that God want to test you
You have been disobedient with Him and what you can get more?

2. People tend to pity themselves
This is the worst thing ever
but shame on me first XD

Jeremiah 30:15
Why do you cry out over your hurt? Your pain is incurable because your guilt is great, because your sins are flagrant, I have done these things to you

2 Corinthians 7:10
For Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death

Seeing so many people posting their miserable status on social updates really made me think over and over again how people are craving for attention
people's notice and comment sometimes made their heart cheered for a moment but then it went away like nothing has happened
to pity ourselves means that we deny that God exists, really?
Yeah it is
You realize that you are weak and you cannot do anything to drag you away from the problem or sickness in this matter
that's a good start, but the next respond should be like this:
"God, I know I'm weak. I know I can't handle this sickness myself. Even the best medicine in this world cannot cure my illness, but one thing for sure that I know that you are capable. You are the one who strong who complete my weakness. and in the name of Jesus Christ then my sickness now healed"

"one thing that absence in your heart in your self pity state"

to end my story....
I kept on telling myself that I am healed
no sickness that can block me from Him
even I coughed a lot, I tried to sing many of worshipping songs
even I was sick, I tried to convince myself that I can survive in the class than staying at dorm

and now my condition has gotten better and better
Thanks to Him, I learned this new thing
Be blessed =D

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

run till the end

It's not a great night, for my physical condition it is
but there is nothing can seperate my mind from getting closer, closer to God

I just got something about survival
well, it's not because I'm sick and it's about surviving the days
it's common when I'm sick, I get something so precious
and tonight, He spoke to me about loyality and survival

Matthew 25:23
His Lord said to him," Well done, good and LOYAL servant "

We're living in this mean world, full of problems everywhere, full of bad things around us
we're running on lava ground to a very distant point where we don't know the finish point
There are temptation at our right and left side, serving a better way,
not to run but to stay and enjoy the live

but the one who passed the finish line is the one who get everything and left the one who surrender to misery. Still, to help and bring them with you is a must and those who rejected you, rejected HIM.

It's like a running track with God on the helicopter beneath us, He knows the track. It depends on us whether we want to follow Him or not.
I can't wait to see the finish point where He waited me there and hug me, saying, "Dear my loyal servant, everything's fine. You don't have to run anymore because You're already here with me. Thanks for your effort and being a good servant during your way, bringing more people to Me. Now come, let's build the kingdom with me!"

Life stealer?

What a great morning, the sky is greyish colour and the wind is dry because we're about to experience the winter.
I started the day with a simple prayer and long time at bathroom cleaning my throat
I turned on my computer and check my fb, tw, email then my music player and doing a rare thing for me in the morning, worshipping Him.
there is something that God want to speak to me this day, it is about technology

well, to write this blog we need technology
What's inside? battery technology, software technology, lighting technology, what else?
in fact, there's nothing that can seperate us with technology in the world context nowadays
maybe I should seperate this topic into some points XD

1. Imagine black out

There is no light, no air conditioner, no TV, no charging for your handphone, blackberry, iphone, laptop, you name it
We can't run our washing machine, even to iron clothes
We can't cook, ordering from one restaurant is another option for us
when one of the thing that I mentioned above lost its power, we tend to complain
why this and why that?
That's one indication that unconsciously we are bounded by it
but just make a simple statement in our hearts
with or without the electricity, God will provide us anything that we needed

Genesis 1 : 1-3
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said," Let there be light," and there was light.

It is not human who started the light (electricity). It is God who started it and without Him provided for us, there is no way we can get this until today

2. It's all about convenient

Who in this world thinks that technology can make us more inconvenient?
even the simplest think like toaster and hair dryer can make our life simpler than it should be
And then what's the problem?
there's no problem actually but....
imagine if we live in the past times, when there is not even a candle exist in the world
and by the time we transported back here in the present time, there are a lot of things that we can be grateful for
thanks for the transportation, thanks for the telephone, thanks for the water heater
because sometimes I could see people be ungrateful their blackberry service was in service
and keep cursing the provider for not being professional

That's what the world has brought us into
an athmosphere where we would hardly to be grateful

1 Thessalonians 5 : 18
Give thanks in all circumstances; For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

3. the evil ride

blackberry, iphone, android, and so on you name it
yes, it is about media and telecommunication
I can compare it with mosquito electric net, if you use it properly, it can be used to kill as many mosquitos that disturb you, but if you use it in incautious way, you can shock yourself
extremely, you can find both salvation and death in the internet

Lately I read so many articles about the occultism nowadays in the world
how they use technology and media in many ways
from sport shows to music videos
how they frankly show that they want to brain-wash the youths nowadays
the top sportmen and the brightest actors and singers are the 'players' with the same aim
to be idol, so that they can easily influence people
drag us away from what we believe

Telecommunication can also be stumbling rocks for our lives
Yes, it easier to call our friend, to keep in touch with them, to socialize
but..... the mosquito net theory still applied here
yes, it can make our live easier, so convenient till us forget that there are 24 hours a day, there are 7 days a week and so on
It costs our time with Him, because we have so many friends on MSN or YM to talk with every second of the day
make us tend to rely on human more than Him

the slogan is
" getting closer with someone far and getting farther with someone near "

eventhough we have 24/7 service problem answering phone

Jeremiah 33 : 3
Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know

but we prefer typing status on your social media so that people can pity for you
how we are fooled that we rely the world more than Him who knows what the best for you

Technology is made for us to use it wisely not to waste it
Don't make the creator sad that He had created those things
and most of all, don't make God sad because He let human made those things

Be wise people =D

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


There are so many people in this world who wants to be perfect
They do so many things to make it happen
They go to the gym to sculpt their body
they go to classes to increase their skills
they even do plastic surgery, botox, anything, you name it, just to cover the flaw/imperfection on their face

Yes, imperfection
one thing that I see in every people around me
doesn't care how handsome or beautiful they are
how smart they are, how rich they are, they all looked imperfect
and so I
that's what we are created with and to accept the way it is

There are a lot of times that I compared myself with someone else, thinking that they are a lot MORE than me
but I realized that the point where you pity yourself, there's a gap in you and HIM
as we know, He is the one who made us perfect (beautiful) in many ways
yeah, from HIS eyes, not from people's eyes
because often we automatically got the magnifier glasses in front of our eyes, see every flaws from others

believe it or not, but the way we look to other related to humbleness
often we don't want to admit that someone can be better than us
we have the pride to say," He must be this; it because of this and because of that," than admitting that everybody has their strength
and that is our job also to be brake to ourself, stop comparing things if it's not for the better way

matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, beptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

how can we accomplish that if we picky and lot of times blinded by emotion
how can we accomplish that if we don't love people as the lost one and need to be rescued
how can we accomplish that if we don't want to humble ourselves, to be awkward and most of all to love God


land of lost

Today was a great experience to go to a famous mountain/park here. A lot of view and landscapes captured from my and my friend's camera. From the top of the mountain I could see the city, the environment where I live these days.
What a great view from up there, I could see the tallest buildings in this city, which is one of the tallest buildings in the world. Well, I could see how this city is so lively. One glimpse of mine I could think about how great God was in this city. But..... I forgot about some of the things here:
1. Most of the people here are lost
They have their own gods, it's not other religion or any other beliefs, but it is money. Most of them can do anything to get that paper thingy to continue their live.

2. No church for locals
It is almost impossible to take the local people to the church, even for foreigners, it's so strict that we have to bring our passport if we want to go to international church. Thanks God, mychurch is located in the local embassy.

Yesterday I was walking alone through the corridor of one subway train exit and I looked at one girl, sat in the corner, crying and looked so gloomy. One thing that I thought at that time was I wonder if she has Him, what would she respond? It's only one case and there are billion people more who have a chance to face the same thing.

I heard about 13.2 million believers in this country and I thanks Him for that. We still have the prayers to hold this country, as the pillars to stand still. Thanks God it won't be like Sodom or Gomorrah, because He sees there are people there who really have the faith that this place will change and rescued someday

Genesis 18:22
"Then he said, "Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there." He answered, "For the sake of ten I will not destroy it."

Thanks God for being faithful to us